[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
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[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
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[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S
[106美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App B014PDFP9S

Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control, Hub & App
The most powerful and intuitive Harmony remote works with Alexa for voice control. All-in-one control of up to 15 home entertainment and connected home devices
Full color touchscreen: Simply swipe and tap to control channels, movies, volume, 50 favorite channels and smart home devices like Philips Hue lights
One-touch Activities: Touch an Activity like “Watch a Movie” to automatically power on and switch devices to the right settings; Compatible with Amazon’s Alexa for easy voice integration and activation
Harmony app: Turns iOS or Android smartphones or tablets into personal universal remote controls for the whole house
Closed cabinet control: Included Harmony Hub lets you control devices in closed cabinets, or even when away from home
Convenient charging station: Keeps your remote powered and within reach
The box includes Harmony Elite remote (with rechargeable battery), Harmony Hub, 2 IR mini-blasters, Charging station, USB cable, 2 AC adapters, User documentation
From the manufacturer
Logitech Harmony Elite
Home theater control. Whole home control.
Harmony Elite is the powerful, intuitive way to control your entertainment. But life doesn’t only happen in the living room. Or only at home for that matter. Harmony Elite goes beyond TV and movies. Far beyond. Use it to control the music from the kitchen, adjust the lights from across town, and the blinds according to the time of day. Compatible with Amazon’s Alexa for easy voice integration and activation.
Create unique home experiences
Get your lighting, locks, thermostat and more to work together for one-touch experiences like 'welcome home' or 'good night'. Set room lighting to automatically dim when you start a movie. Turn on multiple devices at a touch, create custom schedules, or trigger them with sensors.
*Smartphone, tablet, lights, locks, thermostats, sensors, blinds, and other products sold separately.
** Initial online and/or mobile setup required. Data rates may apply for mobile app download.
***Wireless and IR range may vary due to environmental conditions.
Combined home entertainment and connected home control
Works with Alexa for Voice control
Controls up to 15 devices from set-top boxes to Philips Hue lights*
Swipe-and-tap color touchscreen remote
One-touch Activities like “Watch TV” switch devices automatically
Companion Harmony App turns iOS and Android smartphones/tablets into personal universal remotes**
Harmony Hub for control of devices in closed cabinets***
Convenient charging station
Motion-activated backlit buttons
Works with over 270,000 devices
Alexa voice control
Use Amazon Alexa with your Logitech Harmony Elite remote to start and stop Harmony Activities, or to turn on your television to your favorite channel. For example, say 'Alexa, turn on the TV' to power on your Harmony Watch TV Activity, or “Alexa, turn on Netflix” to begin streaming content from just about any device.
Easy on, easy switching
Instead of only controlling one device at a time, Harmony groups your devices into one-touch Activities. Touch 'Watch a Movie' or 'Watch TV' and the right devices automatically power on and switch to the right settings.
Full-color touchscreen
Controlling your entertainment is as familiar as controlling your smartphone. Just swipe and tap to change channels, fast-forward or rewind, and adjust volume. Easily add one-touch access to your 50 favorite channels. And everyone in the house can control it all with the remote or their smartphone or tablet via the Harmony app.
Long-range reach
The included Harmony Hub relays signals from the remote or app to your devices. No need to point your remote at the device you want to control—including devices hidden inside closed cabinets or behind walls. Use the iOS or Android mobile app to adjust devices even when you’re away from home.
What’s in the box
Harmony Elite remote (with rechargeable battery)
Harmony Hub
Charging station
USB cable
2 AC adapters
User documentation
System requirements
For mobile setup:
iOS: iPhone 4S or later, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad mini, iPod touch (5th generation or later) device with iOS 8.0 or higher.
Android OS: Wi-Fi-enabled smartphone with Android 4.2 or higher.
Bluetooth Smart technology-enabled iOS or Android device.
For online setup:
Windows-based PC: Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 7.
Intel-based Mac OS computer: Mac OS X 10.7 or higher.
Harmony App: Download from the App Store or Google Play.
Internet access:
Wi-Fi (Supports 802.11g/n, WPA Personal, WPA2-AES, and 64/128-bit WEP encryption).
Product description
Style:Harmony Elite Remote
Logitech Harmony Elite is the most powerful and intuitive Harmony remote that works with Alexa. It controls up to 15 devices for seamless control of your entertainment — and your home. The all-new design keeps the best features from its predecessors—color touchscreen, motion sensing, and vibration feedback—and adds an improved button layout, voice integration, dedicated connected home buttons, and a replaceable, rechargeable battery with 20% greater capacity.
Product information
Style:Harmony Elite Remote
Product Dimensions 6 x 2 x 0.6 inches
Item Weight 12 ounces
Shipping Weight 2.5 pounds
Item model number 915-000256
Batteries 1 Nonstandard Battery batteries required. (included)

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